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India is tipped to be the most populated country in the world. Today, the earning group (15-65 years) is greater than the dependent group. When countries like Japan and Korea enjoyed that demographic dividend, they turned out to be world-beaters. India is now sitting on that unique advantage, one that we call the Power of Young India.

Indian with graduation from IIT, IIM, and the universities, own or run large business companies cutting across countries and continents, providing millions of jobs to people. A lot of that energy and skills were built while in college. What we do when we are young decides how we will be when we grow up.

One of the essential aims of institutions of higher learning is to prepare the Next-generation of the youth for the Future of Work. Technology creates a new connection among learner, education and the work, in which education lies between learner and outcome. Technology orders the part that education must play in preparing the next generation of youth for employment.

COVID-19 has changed the contours of learning. Remotely learning on digital platforms is the new world order. Researchers advocate that online learning has been increasing retention of information, taking less time, which means the changes are here to stay. Thus, education has adapted to the onslaught of the pandemic. Massive differences are happening in classrooms, examinations and laboratory learning.

The value of college in the 2020s will be different from the value that I picked when I went to college or did my CA Internship. In the years ahead, things boil down to how you acquire social skills. Institutions must ensure this even if they work in a virtual learning environment for large parts of time.

The changing world order demands the graduates to prepare in college accordingly. The book "Post Pandemic Graduate" has come at the right time and should be a constant companion in the students smooth journey through graduation. College professors and parents should also read it because a few things the authors talk about are timeless.

The book has vivid examples and relatable stories that will make reading effortless. Further, the authors writing style has made this a unique one-of-its-kind guidebook. In an age where reading is diminishing as a habit, this book - Post Pandemic Graduate -- is a must-read for students transitioning from school to higher education during these testing times. Colleges and Universities should facilitate this.

Learning away from the campuses indeed has its challenges and stresses. Having such a guide by the side will light the path the young boys and girls should tread to walk out victorious from college as employable professionals. Youth of India, buy, possess, and read this book.

CA. Suresh Prabhu

Member of Rajya Sabha
India's Sherpa to the G7 and G20
Former Union Minister of India